Did You Know?

Call for Proposals
Value Statements

The Board and senior management have established a set of principles to guide the operations of the Secretariat in its internal and external relations.

The values of the Foundation are written in the context of those who have a stake in the success of our activities. There are however some precepts that prevail in all our relationships. They include:

Our commitment to excellence and quality

Our insistence that everyone in the organization demonstrates respect for all those with whom we come into contact.

Our requirement that we maintain the highest ethical standards and integrity in all our dealings.

Our commitments to and expectations of the individual stakeholders are as follows:

Associates and Staff

Partners and Grantees

Program and Project Beneficiaries



We will provide a supportive and safe environment to enable staff and associates to contribute in a collaborative manner to the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
We will provide mechanisms for assistance to those organizations needing help in proposal writing and will review and evaluate proposals with objective criteria within scheduled time periods. We will ensure that all approved projects have efficient project management and monitoring mechanisms in place with clear accountabilities. We will be approachable and accessible when needed to provide guidance to grantees and partners in the conduct of projects or programme implementation.
Programmes and Projects selected through transparent grant making processes should engage with key stakeholders and facilitate high levels of involvement of and impact on beneficiaries through strategic implementation and proper management and oversight and a shared commitment in achieving results.
We are committed to fulfilling our mission, always acting in a transparent and ethical manner. We, through our grants will expect accountability and accordance of value to the communities we serve and will foster opportunities for broad community participation.
We will treat our suppliers fairly and forthrightly, fully living up to our agreements and encourage them to actively demonstrate their support for our mission.

Other Documents

Fund Projects

Recent Grants Awarded

Criteria for Proposals


Manage Funds


How It Works

Why Choose the EFJ



Articles Of Association

Articles Of Incorporation - Merged EFJ/JPAT/FCF

Enterprise Of The Americas Initiative Agreement

Memorandum Of Association

Mission & Vision Statements
Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

1B Norwood Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica, WI
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Tel: (876) 960-6744, 960-7954, 960-3224, 960-7125
Fax: (876) 920-8999
Email: support@efj.org.jm


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