Beaches Negril earns Blue Flag certification for eco-friendliness from EFJ Grantee NEPT – Jamaica Observer

BEACHES Negril Resort and Spa has earned Blue Flag certification from the Negril Area Protection Trust (NEPT) and the international non-profit organization, the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE).  

New partnership to help Jamaican species under stress – Jamaica Observer

NAGOYA, Japan– Jamaica and other developing countries now have a new window to access funding to help halt species loss, thanks to a new partnership launched here at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Save the trees – Jamaica Observer
Marigold Harding (left), Custos Rotolorum for the parish of St Andrew and deputy chairman, board of management, Natural History Museum of Jamaica (NHMJ) presents a copy of Endemic Trees of Jamaica to Marilyn Headley, conservator of forests at the launch of the publication on October 26 by the Natural History Museum of Jamaica.

New environmental alliance launched in the Caribbean 
– Jamaica Observer
“KARIPANOU” or “Our Caribbean” is the newest alliance formed to support environmental sustainability in the Caribbean. The Karipanou alliance — launched in Montego Bay on October 8 — was created to engage Caribbean people more in the governance and management of the natural resources in the region.
Children languish in adult lock-ups despite PM’s decree – Jamaica Observer

Children’s advocate Mary Clarke had highlighted the plight of the children as she addressed the topic ‘Jamaica’s children in care/custody: Who is responsible?’ at an Environmental Foundation of Jamaica public lecture a few weeks ago.

Hurting our children 
Jamaica Gleaner

Children still in CDA custody after 3 yrs – Jamaica Gleaner