The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – Protected Areas and Rural Enterprise (PARE) Project, in partnership with the Forestry Department and the Nature Conservancy, will be hosting the Cockpit Country Local Forest Management Committee (CCLFMC) Flagstaff Heritage Tours Visitor Center Handover Ceremony on Thursday, October 15, 2009in Flagstaff, St. James at 11:00 a.m.
The CCLFMC Flagstaff Heritage Tours and Trail Visitor Centre is a community-led tour featuring three trails radiating from the town center in Flagstaff, St. James.  The tour provides a glimpse into the historical and cultural heritage of Flagstaff (features of Maroon and British occupation) and the natural features of the Cockpit Country, its biodiversity and the rich culture of present-day residents.
EFJ awarded the CCLFMC (as well as two other LFMCs) $6,100,000.00 in 2008 to provide capacity building support to the organization. Funding included the provision of a project vehicle, training of staff/community persons in business management and a select number in tour guiding. Project activities also included renovation and equipping of the main office and visitor center in Wait-A-Bit, Trelawny.